Introduction | Acknowledgements | Course instructions | Disclaimer
food allergy prevention e-training for health professionals has been
developed by ASCIA and the National Allergy Council to provide accessible, consistent and evidence-based training for medical practitioners and other health professionals in Australia and New Zealand at no charge.
course has been developed in partnership with the National Allergy Council Food Allergy Prevention Project.
The National Allergy Council is a progression of the National Allergy Strategy and remains a partnership between the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA), as the leading medical and patient support organisations for allergy in Australia.
This project received funding from the Australian Government Department of Health.
Course Instructions
- A username and password must be obtained from the health professionals e-training website registration process to participate in a course.

- ASCIA food allergy prevention
e-training HP comprises a Pretest and then five modules which
must be completed in order.
- Modules 1-4 have questions that
allow you to monitor your understanding.
- The overall course assessment and
certificate is provided in Module 5 where final assessment is undertaken
for Modules 1-4.
- You can undertake this course at your own pace.
- For each individual module the program remembers your progress so that when you re-enter the module go to where you left off previously.
- To obtain a Certificate of Completion for ASCIA food allergy prevention e-training for health professionals, a result of 80% or higher is required for the final assessment in Module 5. If this result is not obtained on the first attempt, you may reattempt the assessment after reviewing the course content.
- From the Certificate of Completion screen you can access and download it as a PDF for your own record.

The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) is the peak professional body of clinical immunology and allergy specialists in Australia and New Zealand.The content of ASCIA food allergy prevention e-training for health professionals (HP) has been reviewed by ASCIA members, represents the available published literature at the time of review and is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Any questions regarding a medical diagnosis or treatment should be directed to a medical practitioner.
ASCIA food allergy prevention e-training HP has been developed to provide ready access to reliable and consistent eczema education for all health professionals throughout Australia and New Zealand, at no charge. Initial funding for development of ASCIA food allergy prevention e-training HP has been obtained via funding from the Australian Government through the National Allergy Strategy Food Allergy Prevention Project. ASCIA will retain copyright and control over content of ASCIA food allergy prevention e-training HP and update it as evidence-based changes occur in the medical literature.
Whilst a Certificate of Completion for ASCIA food allergy prevention e-training HP can be provided as proof that training has been successfully completed, the certificate is not a qualification as ASCIA is not an accrediting body. ASCIA food allergy prevention e-training HP is not a train the trainer course.
ASCIA food allergy prevention e-training HP contains links to other websites. These linked websites are not under the control of ASCIA and inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement of the linked website by ASCIA.
Any inquiries regarding ASCIA food allergy prevention e-training HP should be emailed to
Due to the potential number of inquiries a contact telephone number is not available.